Company Overview

Young Future Co is an Events and Talent Management company, providing a platform for creatives in the entertainment industry.

As event managers, our core focus is to create an environment where professionals, and DIY creatives can co-mingle and share their passion for the creative world – our flagship event ‘the Lounge’ alongside our open mic nights and various networking events, ensure that every individual is left with the ‘Young Future Experience’.

As talent managers, we work with our clients to realise their dreams in the areas of performing and digital arts; we put the needs of our DIY creatives first BY ensuring that they reach their potential through the range of management services we provide.


As event consultants we are able to use our connections in the industry, to source the right talent for your needs – we have a pool of talent, which guarantees that no matter the occasion or requirement – whether it be from entertainment needs (singers, dancers, instrumentalists and DJs) to multimedia needs (photographers or videographers), we are here for you.

What are you waiting for? Get in touch to begin your Young Future Experience!

Meet The Team

Creating fun, engaging and memorable moments that will leave an impact after
Founder & Chief Executive Officer

Timi Adeleye

Chief Operating Officer & Music Director

Michael Brown

Head of Media and Promotions

Glen Agyeman

Events coordinator & liaison officer

Debora Abolou


Nadia Nagoo


Tola Adeleye


Founder & Chief Executive Officer

Timi oversees the day to day functioning of the business; his main responsibility is to
keep the business afloat and ensure the prospective ventures of the business align
with our core ideals.
He is an avid creative and plays guitar, drums and piano, and alongside this is a DJ and
You can find him behind the decks, at all our events, or behind the scenes working on our
event operations.


Mike Brown

Chief Operating Officer & Music Director

Michael oversees the day to operational functions of the business; his main responsibility 
is to ensure all of Young Future Co.’s resources, goods and 
services are managed in the most productive manner possible.
He is a talented bassist and musical director with sole purpose of making sure 
our customers have the best experience where music is concerned.
You can find him spearheading the live music for our illustrious live music events!



Chief Brand Officer

Glen is responsible for the brand’s image, experience, community relations and partnerships with entertainment industry. Typically reports to the CEO. In this position the overseeing of market, advertising, design is also key.
